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Library network
Library network
Ìurmansk State Regional Universal Scientific Library |
Library service of the population of the region is provided by libraries of network of Ministry of Culture of the RF, including three regional ones: Murmansk State Regional Scientific Library, Murmansk State Regional Children Library, Murmansk State Regional Specialized Library for the blind (ÌSRSL), Centralized library system of Olenegorsk and 209 municipal libraries, united in 20 centralized library systems and about 500 libraries of the other systems and organizations (scientific and technical ones, school ones, military ones and etc.). Among the 209 municipal libraries are 97 city libraries, 57 village libraries and 55 children ones.
Memorial to the creators of the Slavonic writing (Kirill and Methody) |
There are 1135 librarians work in the regional and municipal libraries. There are more 529 thousand readers in the libraries. Funds of the regional and municipal account more 9 million items of different issues: books, newspapers, magazines, printed music, visual and electronic editions.
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