Administrative-territorial system
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Administrative-territorial system »
Address: Lenina St., 100, Gadzhievo, Skalisty, the Murmansk region, 184670
Tel. 46-034, 46-029.
E-mail: scaladm@murmansk.net
The head of the town is Musatyan Vladimir Ashotovich |
The peculiarities of the economy of the town and the outlooks of its development:
The main part of the active population is presented by military people;
The industry is not well developed, the enterprise of state and municipal form of property exist;
Some small commercial enterprises and individual entrepreneurs function on the territory of the town;
There is low budget provision with own finances;
The decrease of the number of labour resources connecting with military reform and development of the program of resettlement from the districts of the Far North;
The investment of the social and cultural and housing spheres of the economy;
The development of the private part of the economy due to increase of number of small enterprises;
The increase of the budget provision by the own means due to increase of taxes, effective usage of municipal property.